For the last eight years, the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives (a research centre sponsored by Canadian co-operatives and the University of Saskatchewan) has asked members of the co-operative sector across Canada “What are the top issues facing co-operatives in Canada today?”. Results from last year’s survey can be found here:

As we near the end of 2024, it’s again time to understand whether there were any changes to the co-operative sector's “top issues.”. As always, we are reaching out to you in your capacity as an executive director, chief executive officer, board chair, or other leader / observer of the Canadian co-operative sector. Please note that the survey is available in English and French. You can change the language on the survey using the language button located on the top righthand corner of the survey.

Please feel free to share the following link to this survey ( with anyone else in the co-operative sector who you think may want to share their thoughts.

Rest assured, your responses will be kept anonymous. Our report, anticipated this winter, will be informed by analysis of aggregated response. Finally, please note that the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Research Ethics Board (Beh-REB) has examined and approved this study (BEH#: 2269).

Many thanks for your prompt attention to this survey!

Marc-André Pigeon, Director and Strategic Research Fellow
Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives
University of Saskatchewan

Question Title

* How many people does your organization employ? 

If you don't work for a co-operative, simply put "not applicable" in the textbox below.

Question Title

* What is your position within your organization? *Please select all that apply*