NOWCAM 8-10 May 2025 in Victoria, B.C.

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* 1. How likely are you to attend NOWCAM 2025 (if less than 20% likely, don't do this survey).

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* 2. How likely are you to attend the no-host kick-off event at CRAFT Beer Market in downtown Victoria on the evening of 8 May?

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* 3. Hotel accommodations in Victoria are expensive. UVic Housing offers inexpensive accommodations on campus:

> single dorm room, $80/night;

> cluster of 3 small bedrooms, 2 toilets, shower, and kitchenette, $377;

> guest room w/ toilet $205/night.

To reserve these accommodations we need to make a commitment. If you attend NOWCAM 2025, how likely are you to stay on campus for one or more nights?

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* 4. Which best describes you?

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* 5. Are you a student or a faculty member or other?

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* 6. If you have questions, first check out the NOWCAM website to see if answers are there. If not, type your question below: