Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! This is designed to help Safe Software better understand and support FME user groups around the world.

Please note: This survey is intended for individuals who are part of or lead an FME user group. If this doesn’t apply to you, there’s no need to complete the survey.

Your feedback will help us learn more about how user groups are structured, the challenges you face, and how Safe Software can provide valuable resources and support.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Danielle Leroux (Community Team Lead):

For more information on our privacy policy, please click here.

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* 1. What is the name of your user group, and where is it based? (City, Region, Country)

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* 2. What is your role in the user group?

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* 3. What industry/sector do you work in?

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* 4. How often does your group meet?

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* 5. What is the format of your group meetings? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What activities or topics are typically included in your meetings? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. What challenges do you face in organizing or participating in your group?

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* 8. What resources or support from Safe Software would help your group thrive? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. Would your group be interested in collaborating with Safe Software on events or initiatives?

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* 10. Have you attended an FME User Conference before?

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* 11. Are you planning to attend The Peak of Data Integration this May in Seattle?

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* 12. Is there anything you’d like to share about your group or how Safe Software can support you?

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* 13. Optional: please provide your contact information if you would like further resources or support from Safe Software for your user group.