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What is the Brain-Heart Interconnectome?

Brain and heart conditions are leading causes of disease and death in Canada with major impacts on patients and their families. Brain and heart conditions are also connected, and researchers are just starting to understand more about this. The Brain-Heart Interconnectome (BHI) is a new research program that hopes to help prevent, detect, treat and care for brain-heart disorders.

The Brain-Heart Interconnectome is hosting a Café Scientific to allow the public to learn more about the brain-heart connection and the ongoing research at the BHI. This event will feature a panel of experts in brain-heart health, as well as people with lived experience of brain and/or heart conditions. This event will be free to attend.

We are looking for your questions and thoughts related to the brain-heart connection, to tailor this event to address your questions and interests. This survey is completely optional and anonymous to protect your privacy. Please only share information that you are comfortable with sharing.

We value your input and look forward to incorporating your feedback into this exciting event! For more information about this event, please visit: Café Scientific: Exploring the Brain-Heart Connection

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* 1. How familiar are you with the connection between the brain and the heart, and its impact on health and disease?

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* 2. What questions do you have about the connection between the brain and the heart, and its impact on health and disease?

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* 3. Of the BHI research themes, which are you most interested in learning more about?

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* 4. What topics would you like to see covered at an event hosted by the Brain-Heart Interconnectome?

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* 5. Do you have any suggestions on how to make a Brain Heart Interconnectome event valuable for you?

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* 6. Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?