• English
  • Français (France)
Fill this form to submit an event. Your event will appear on the Events page of the Faculty of Engineering website. You should allow us two weeks to publish your event once you have submitted it.

Please note that this form is for students and professors of the Faculty of Engineering only. If you are a partner or a company, and you would like to discuss an event with us, please reach out to us at BizDevEngineering@uOttawa.ca.

Question Title

* 1. Event title

Question Title

* 2. Who is the organizer? (The club, association, department, or group associated with the event)

Question Title

* 3. When does the event start?


Question Title

* 4. When does the event end?


Question Title

* 5. What is the event format?

Question Title

* 6. Location (If in-person, indicate the building and room number. If online, indicate whether you will meet on Zoom, Teams, or other).

Question Title

* 7. Short event description (One sentence)

Question Title

* 8. Add a link (registration, Zoom, Eventbrite or more information)

Question Title

* 9. Language

Question Title

* 10. Who is this event for?

Question Title

* 11. Upload an event visual

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 12. Event details

DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 13. Your contact information