Welcome to this Research Survey

You are being invited to participate in a research study on the experience of place-responsive educators in North Central BC. This research is being conducted to fulfill the requirements of a PhD by Glen Thielmann, a candidate in the Natural Resources and Environmental Studies program at UNBC. Through this study, the researcher is exploring how, why, and where educators encounter and develop their teaching practices related to place, and considers the particular challenges or dynamics of practice that emerge while teaching and learning in place.

There is an opportunity for educators from anywhere in BC to participate, and two more opportunities for educators educators from North Central BC to participate.

For the full details on this research project, please visit: placeresponsive.ca.

The survey takes about 4 minutes to complete and determines if respondents are eligible to participate in the study, provides an opportunity to give consent to participate, and provides information on how to contribute to any or all parts of the study.
14% of survey complete.