
Equity and Human Rights is initiating a review of the University of Victoria’s Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response (SVPR) Policy.

This policy applies to all university community members including but not limited to students, staff and faculty. In addition to providing UVic’s definition of sexualized violence, the policy and its related procedures outline how someone can bring forward reports or concerns of sexualized violence, what support someone who has experienced harm can expect to receive and various options for addressing harm.  

We hope you will contribute to the review of this important policy by completing the following survey by October 4.

For more information on the SVPR Policy and the review process visit our webpage.

The following survey includes definitions of sexualized violence as well as consent. Please take care and reach out for support if you need it. A list of various support resources can be found here.
If you have any questions about the survey or require help with technical problems, please contact Braeden McKenzie at