Student Membership on Senate Committees Interested in serving on a University-wide Senate Committee?Check out the various committees and fill out a brief questionnaire so we may assist you in discovering the many opportunities to be had at Simon Fraser University: Question Title * 1. Name *First name:*Last name: Question Title * 2. Contact Information SFU Email address: Question Title * 3. Student ID Student Number: Question Title * 4. Type of Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Senator Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Senator Question Title * 5. It is important that you read the description of each committee including the terms of reference, membership and meeting times. Before you select the committee you are interested in, be sure that you are eligible and that you are available to attend meetings. I have read the relevant committee description Question Title * 6. Please choose a committee. If you wish to submit a nomination for more than one committee, you will need to complete a new nomination submission. Note: Attendance and Participation is important. Be realistic about your time commitment. CC- Calendar Committee DQAC - Diverse Qualifications Adjudication Committee ESC - Electoral Standing Committee SAB - Senate Appeals Board SCAR - Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules SCCS - Senate Committee on Continuing Studies SCEMP - Senate Committee on Enrolment Management and Planning SCIA - Senate Committee on International Activities SCODA - Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals SCUH - Senate Committee on University Honours SCUP - Senate Committee on University Priorities SCUS - Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies SCUTL - Senate Committee on University Teaching and Learning SGAAC - Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee SGSC - Senate Graduate Studies Committee SLC - Senate Library Committee SNC - Senate Nominating Committee SPCSAB - Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries SUAAC - Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee Question Title * 7. Please provide a "Statement of Interest" addressing why you would be the best candidate for the particular committee you have chosen. Include your academic and other relevant experience that may qualify you. Done