Monday, November 18, 11:00 am

Offered via Zoom. Completing this form will ensure you receive the Zoom link prior to the session. Only those questions marked by an asterisk are required to complete the form.

Question Title

* Name:

Question Title

* Email address:

Question Title

* Most recently attended post-secondary institution (optional):

Question Title

* Highest degree completed or in progress (optional):

Question Title

* How did you hear about graduate studies in Criminology at SFU?

Question Title

* Do you have a question you'd like the facilitator to address during the information session (e.g.: How long is the program? Do you have a course-based option? Do all students complete a thesis? Are TA opportunities available?)?

The personal information collected through this form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c.165) (FIPPA) of British Columbia. The information collected is related directly to and needed by Simon Fraser University (SFU) to process your registration for an information session regarding School of Criminology MA and PhD programs. The information will be used by SFU for the purpose of providing useful information for participants in an information session for those interested in applying to the School of Criminology MA and PhD programs. The information we collect includes your full name and contact information (email address), as well as educational background (optional).

This information will only be used for the specified purpose and will not be disclosed to third parties except as authorized by law. Your personal information will be securely stored and retained in accordance with the university’s retention policies.

If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact: Graduate Program Assistant,