The AI Seed Funding Program aims to support new and ongoing research initiatives that will enhance the Faculty of Medicine’s AI capacity.

Eligibility criteria
  • The principal investigator must hold a primary appointment in the Faculty of Medicine.
  • The proposed project should be completed in a maximum of one year.
  • Applicants can request a maximum of $10,000 for their projects.
  • Projects must include a knowledge translation component.
  • Eligible expenses include knowledge translation activities, workshops, data collection, operating expenses, travel, and salary support for trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and staff.

Application deadline: July 31, 2024
Applicant information

Question Title

* 1. Principal Investigator

Question Title

* 2. Co-Investigator(s)

Question Title

* 3. Department

Question Title

* 4. Phone

Question Title

* 5. Email

Question Title

* 6. CV of Principal Investigator

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Research project information

Question Title

* 7. Project title

Question Title

* 8. Lay description (maximum 100 words)

Question Title

* 9. Summary of proposed research project (maximum 2 pages, excluding references)

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Question Title

* 10. Does the proposed research project align with the Brain-Heart Interconnectome research program?


Question Title

* 11. Budget table and justification (maximum 1 page)

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Expense Faculty of Medicine contribution (up to $10,000) Other sources