Connect with a Science Peer Mentor!

The Science Peer Mentorship program connects you to a dedicated upper-year science student who will help ease your transition into SFU. Through in-person meet-ups, email, text, and/or Zoom—you can choose how to connect!—you can come to them with any questions you have about courses, campus life, or anything else. Mentors will connect you to events and involvement opportunities on campus, share their experience with you, give you tips on how to succeed as a science student, and more. They are here to support you during your first term at SFU!

If you are a new student starting at the Faculty of Science in the Spring 2025 term, we encourage you to sign up for the Science Peer Mentorship program. Whether you are coming straight from high school or transferring from another college or university, the science peer mentors are excited to connect with you.

After signing up, you will be matched with a mentor and the mentor will reach out to you directly via the method of contact indicated. You can expect them to contact you within a week or two!

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the program coordinator, Carmen Ho, at or drop by Sci-Space in AQ 3146 to inquire.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What best describes your status as a student?

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* 3. What was your basis of admission into SFU?

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* 4. What campus(es) will your classes be in?
(What campus(es) will you be able to meet with your mentor?)

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* 5. Will you be commuting or living on campus?

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* 6. What Faculty of Science program are you in, or intending to be in?
If you are not sure yet, please briefly describe your academic interests to help us pair you with a mentor.

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* 7. Please share a bit about yourself (e.g., academic interests, hobbies or groups you are a part of, languages spoken, career aspirations, goals for your future).

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* 8. What is one thing that excites you about being mentored during your first term at SFU? Or, what kind of support do you want?

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* 9. What are you looking for in a mentor?

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* 10. Are there any activities or events that you would be interested in seeing or participating in? Feel free to mention anything you'd like to do with your mentor!

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* 11. How would you like to be initially contacted by your mentor? Please select all that you would be comfortable with.

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* 12. How would you like to connect with your mentor? Please select all that you would be comfortable with.

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* 13. Do you have any accessibility needs you would like us to be aware of?

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* 14. How did you hear about the Science Peer Mentorship Program? Please select all that apply.

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* 15. Do you have any questions, comments, or anything else you would like us to know?

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