Connect with a FASS Peer Mentor!

Our FASS Peer Mentorship Program connects you with a community of dedicated SFU students aimed at easing your transition into university. You can come to them with general questions, course inquiries, and anything about yourself that you'd like to share. More importantly, they will help you maximize your time and find opportunities at SFU! The program also offers socials and academic/career workshops so you can meet other students, learn new things, and more!

If you are a new student beginning in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Spring (January) 2025, we encourage you to connect with a peer mentor! Whether you are starting SFU straight from high school or are transferring from another college or university, our Peer Mentors are here to support you!

You will hear back from your Peer Mentor shortly after signing up!

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* 1. First (Preferred) Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Preferred Pronouns (e.g. she/her, he/him, they/them)

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* 4. 9 Digit SFU Student Number

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* 5. Email Address (Preferably SFU Email Address)

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* 6. Cell Phone Number

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* 7. Do you agree to be contacted via text by your mentor?

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* 8. What best describes your status as a student?

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* 9. What was the basis of your admission into SFU?

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* 10. What program are you either currently in, or will be starting in the Fall 2025 semester?

Here are all the FASS Programs: Anthropology, Sociology, Criminology, Political Science, Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Economics, English, French, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, History, Global Humanities, Indigenous Studies, International Studies, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, World Languages and Literature, or Undecided.

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* 11. Do you have any accessibility needs that you'd like to bring to your attention (including online needs)?

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* 12. Please share a few interesting things about yourself (academic interests, community groups or hobbies, languages spoken, etc.).

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* 13. What are your future academic or career goals?

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* 14. What similarities would you like to prioritize in your mentor? (Ex. same academic interests, languages spoken, basis of admission, international or domestic student status, etc.)

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* 15. Are there any types of group activities or events that you would be interested in seeing/participating in this semester?

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* 16. How did you hear about the Mentorship Program?

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* 17. If you already know a mentor who you would like to be paired with, what is their name?

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* 18. Do you have any questions, comments, or anything else you would like us to know?

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* 19. Do you consent to being in photos/videos?

100% of survey complete.