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Please read the following information before completing the survey

You are invited to participate in a research study entitled Social Media use in a time of crisis: Facebook and the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Jennifer Laffier, is conducting a study on how people are using Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic and how Facebook use may impact mental health during this time. This research can contribute to developing recommendations for healthy social media use during difficult times. This study has been reviewed by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech University) Research Ethics Board [insert REB assigned #] on [insert date].

The study includes a brief online survey of 10 questions (Survey Monkey) that will take you 10-15 minutes to complete. You must be 18 years and older to participate in the study. Your participation is voluntary, and you may pass on any questions you choose. However, once the survey has been completed and submitted you cannot request to be withdrawn since your survey responses are anonymous. No identifying information about you is collected of published. Only the PI will have access to the survey responses and the data is stored on a password protected website. Once the data is analyzed a debrief paper of results and recommendations will be posted on the PI’s Facebook page and Lab website www. Mental Health in the Digital Age Lab- The results may also be disseminated in research publications. The survey is open until April 26, 2020.

If you have any questions or would like further clarification of the study please feel free to contact the PI, Dr. Jennifer Laffier, at . You may also read more information about consenting to this study by clicking this link Consent to participate in Facebook study. It is important you feel comfortable participating and make sure that all of your questions have been answered before consenting to this study.

Thank you for participating in this study. I appreciate your time. As a reminder if you would like more information or supports you may access these two helpful websites:
1.  Canadian Mental Health Association-

Dr. Jennifer Laffier, Assistant Professor, 
Faculty of Education, Ontario Tech University
Director ,Mental Health in the Digital Age Lab,

By clicking ‘OK' you are agreeing to the following statements:
1.      Am at least 18 years of age
2.      I have read the consent form and understand the study being described.
3.      I have had an opportunity to ask questions if needed
4.      I freely consent to participate in the research study, understanding that I may discontinue participation before I submit the sruvey without penalty
5.   I understand the possible need for secondary research uses of my research data for future research use and provide consent for the use of my data to be used in future studies which requires a separate REB application to be submitted.



Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. What is your professional field?

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* 4. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic how much time in a typical day would you use Facebook?

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* 5. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, do you feel Facebook provided benefits or risks for or your mental health and what were they?

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* 6. Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused you any greater stress, anxiety or fears?

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* 7. Have you increased or decreased your use of Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic? Please explain how much time you now spend on Facebook a day and briefly why you think this has changed?

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* 8. Do you feel there are benefits or risks to your mental health for using Facebook during this time? Please describe.

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* 9. Overall, do you think Facebook has had more of a positive or negative impact on your mental health during the Covid-19 crisis?

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* 10. Have you witnessed positive or negative mental health impacts of Facebook use on friends or family members?

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