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This form typically takes 3 to 8 minutes to complete. Within two business days, you will receive an email acknowledging the request. Once a presenter is assigned, the presenter will email you to confirm and to send along the presentation materials to be provided to students. Please email with any questions about your request.

Privacy and Confidentiality: The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) collects personal information under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act RSBC. 1996, c.165

Purpose: The information provided by you in response to the survey questions will be used to schedule classroom presentations to groups of new and continuing students. The data will also be used track the number of classroom presentations requested and completed each term.

How Survey Data Collected Will Be Used: Any information that you provide by answering survey questions will be kept strictly confidential and survey results will be analyzed and reported to BCIT on aggregate basis (your responses will be combined with the responses of others) to protect your anonymity).

All survey data will be stored on secure servers within BCIT and in accordance with its established retention schedules.

Consent: By participating in this Student Life Office Presentation Request Form, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your responses to the survey as described above.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the Student Life Office at

Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by BCIT may be directed to the BCIT Information Access and Privacy Office, email


Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Workshop Details

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your requested presentation
NOTE: PDF materials for the chosen topic(s) will be emailed to the organizer prior to the presentation time. The organizer is asked to ensure students have access to the materials either before or after the presentation.

Question Title

* 3. Program Name

Question Title

* 4. Course code and/or name (if applicable)

Question Title

* 5. Maximum number of participants
Please let us know the maximum number of students who could attend.

Question Title

* 6. What is the main purpose of this workshop?

Question Title

* 7. What are your workshop intention(s) and outcome(s)? (i.e. what do you want the group experience to be, and what will the concrete result be?)

Date, Time, and Location

Question Title

* 8. Preferred Dates and Times
NOTE: It may not be possible to fill requests for in-person presentations with less than 5 business days' notice. For specialty campuses, at least 10 business days' notice is best.

Question Title

* 9. Location of workshop

Question Title

* 10. The presenter will not normally bring a laptop. If the presentation will be in person, please confirm what equipment can be provided.

Question Title

* 11. Additional Comments or Notes

Thank you for your time and input!
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