About the Survey

Algonquin College is preparing to develop its next Strategic Plan, which will take place over the next year. This survey, available to our community and the broader public, will help identify the key topics, opportunities and themes that are important to you and will Shape the Conversation with internal and external stakeholders in subsequent phases of the strategic planning exercise.

We invite you to share what you see as important to the future of Algonquin College by completing this survey and sharing it with your networks. This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Anonymity and Confidentiality
Everyone will be given a one same shared link to complete the survey. It is not unique to you in any way and is not tracked electronically. We do not collect any IP addresses of respondents.

The results will be collected and processed internally in Algonquin College by the Office of Strategy and Planning. Access to individual responses will be strictly restricted and not shared with any third parties, including other departments and employees of the College.

Sharing of Results
The results will be shared only in the form of aggregated statistics and infographics at algonquincollege.com/strategicplan. The primary findings may also be communicated via other public sources, as well as discussed at relevant events.

More Opportunities to Engage
If you have ideas about the future of Algonquin College, we encourage you to take an active part in future strategic engagements. Stay tuned for more information at algonquincollege.com/strategicplan.

If you have additional questions about this survey, please contact us at strategicplan@algonquincollege.com.