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About this Survey
The intention of this survey is to:

a) Identify the kind of tools (in addition to Brightspace features) that faculty currently use to support teaching and learning in their courses.

b) Determine whether current technology tools at Algonquin  are meeting the teaching and learning needs of faculty and their students.

c) Identify what faculty consider to be "must have" technologies for supporting teaching and learning (in addition to Brightspace) at Algonquin.

It should take about 5 - 10 min to complete this survey.

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* 1. Select your current teaching status at Algonquin College:

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* 2. What campus do you teach at?

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* 3. How long have you been teaching at Algonquin?

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* 4. What area(s) do you teach in? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. What kinds of courses do you teach? Select all that apply:

SECTION 1: Current Use of Educational Technology
The following tools/features are currently available through Algonquin College; some can be accessed through Brightspace, the college's Learning Management System. For each tool, indicate if you use it and how often.

If you do not know or use these tools, that is okay.The intent is to get a general sense of the tools that faculty may use to support their day-to-day teaching.

NOTE: Some of the tools are third party. They are accessed through Brightspace but do not come with the system.

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* 6. Digital Feedback for Assignments

  Don't use: Never heard of this. Don't use: Heard of but never tried it. Don't use: Prefer other ways to give feedback. Use on occasion. Use regularly.
Drag and Drop Comments (e.g. Turnitin QuickMarks)
Audio and/Or Video Feedback (e.g. Techsmith Relay, Turnitn Feedback Studio)
For each teaching and learning activity,  check the boxes ONLY for the tools that you use regularly.  

For tools that you don't use regularly, keep the box unchecked.

If you come across a lot of tools that you do not know or use, that is okay. The intent is to get a general sense of the tools that faculty may use to support their day-to-day teaching.

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* 7. Creating Online Lessons or Mini-Lectures (e.g. narrated PowerPoints, screencast "how-to" tutorials online learning modules etc.)

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* 8. Creating Digitally Interactive Lessons (for use as either in-class or online activities)

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* 9. Creating Interactive Online Learning Activities (e.g. for content review, practice)

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* 10. Student Response Tools (e.g. polls, class games)

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* 11. Brainstorming and Concept Mapping

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* 12. Graphics and Image Editing

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* 13. Video Creation and Editing

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* 14. Collaborative Documents

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* 15. Student Portfolios

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* 16. Please list any other tools that you use to support your teaching, learning support, and course development work. (Optional).

SECTION 2: Educational Technology Needs and Priorities
Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements below.

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* 17. Current technology tools at Algonquin are meeting  my teaching need for academic integrity in terms of:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strong Agree Not Applicable - Not a concern for me
Deterring/identifying plagiarism
Deterring cheating on online tests
Online Exam Proctoring

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* 18. Current technology tools at Algonquin are meeting my teaching needs for supporting student success and performance in terms of:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strong Agree Not Applicable - Not a concern for me
Marking assignments
Providing learner feedback
Supporting peer feedback
Taking attendance
Reviewing learner progress data  (e.g. information about student activity and achievement )

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* 19. Current technology tools at Algonquin are meeting my learner needs for engaging learning experiences in terms of:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strong Agree Not Applicable - Not a concern for me
Interactive learning/Formative assessment activities (e.g. with individual learner feedback and performance tracking)
Adaptive learning activities (e.g. individualized learning paths based on learner performance)
Digital simulations
Online discussion
Collaboration/group work

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* 20. Current technology tools at Algonquin are meeting my teaching needs and the needs of my learners to create learning content in terms of:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strong Agree Not Applicable - Not a concern for me
Screencasting (e.g. screen recording with narration for video lessons, tutorials, student feedback etc.)
Content authoring - (e.g. create online learning modules for Brightspace)
Video presentations (e.g. student/faculty video recording, web media )

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* 21. Please elaborate on any of the items that you answered above. (optional)

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* 22. Please list technology tools or technical capabilities that you believe are "must have" (e.g.  should be prioritized for adoption or continued renewal) at Algonquin. (Optional)

List in ranked order starting with (1) for your top priority.

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* 23. Please feel free to add additional comments or ideas related to the adoption of educational technology tools at Algonquin. (Optional)

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* 24. Thank you for your participation!

Add your email address if you would like to be entered into a draw for a $50 gift certificate.

0 of 24 answered