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About this Survey
The intention of this survey is to identify what schools/programs consider to be "must have" technologies or technical capabilities for supporting teaching and learning (in addition to Brightspace) at Algonquin.

NOTE: The focus of this survey is on tools and technical capabilities that can generally support teaching and learning activities rather than industry-specific learning tools (e.g. SimMan patient simulators for nursing).

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* 1. Indicate the school to which you belong (select all that apply).

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* 2. Please provide the name of either the academic area or program(s) that you currently oversee.

Educational Technology Needs and Priorities

Question Title

* 3. Please list educational technology tools or technical capabilities (in addition to Brightspace) that you believe are "must have" for your academic area (e.g.  should be prioritized for purchase/adoption OR for continued use) by the college. 

List in ranked order starting with (1) for your top priority.

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* 4. Please  add comments or ideas that you may have related to the adoption of educational technology tools within your specific academic area or across Algonquin. 

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* 5. Thank you for your participation!

0 of 5 answered