Information Letter: Consent to Participate in Research

Please read the following pages carefully. This letter contains all the information regarding the purpose of the study, and the involvement of participation.
You are invited to participate in a study entitled Experiences of Indigenous, Black and People of Color (IBPOC/BIPOC) in Canada (which includes mixed race and multiracial folx) that is being conducted by Drexler Ortiz, a doctoral student at the University of Victoria, and Cara Samuel, a doctoral student at the University of Toronto, under the supervision of Dr. Devi Dee Mucina, the Program Director of Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria. You may contact them if you have further questions by emailing or Dr. Devi Mucina is also available by email This research is possible through the partnership with the community organization This is Table Talk (

Purpose and Objectives

We hope to understand more about the experiences of IBPOC/BIPOC (Indigenous, Black and People of Color) in Canada in the context of systemic oppression, racism, and colonization. We hope to learn about how racialized minorities experience and make sense of their racialized identity, as well as the networks of support they may access. 

Importance of this Research
The vast majority of research in the area is conducted in United States and we recognize that, while there are similarities, the experience of IBPOC/BIPOC in Canada is likely different in many ways for many reasons. This research contributes to learning about the specific ways colonization continues to impact the IBPOC/BIPOC community in contemporary Canada, and how the community has resisted and survived in spite of oppression. 

Participants Selection
You are being asked to participate in this study because you identify as an adult IBPOC/BIPOC. If you learned of this study from a representative of a community organization, please know that any services you may be receiving or events you may be attending from this organization will not be impacted if you choose not to participate in the study.

What is Involved
If you consent to voluntarily participate in this research, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire online via Survey Monkey.
5% of survey complete.