Before you begin, ensure you have all the necessary materials to complete the application. Once you exit the survey your application is submitted as is. If you are not finished completing the information and leave the SurveyMonkey application, you will not be able to return to where you left off and your application will be considered incomplete.

This competition is open to graduate students pursuing research activities with a focus on field work in the area of botany, geology, birds, and/or water at USask. The research activity must have a field research component.

Applicants must be in good academic standing in their current degree program and must have a minimum GPA of 80%. If the applicant does not have grades in their current degree program, the entrance average for their degree program will be used instead.

Selection will be based upon the merits of the applicant’s research statement and importance to one of the USask Signature Areas, as stated in the applicant’s research description and the supervisor’s letter of support.

The following documents are required for this competition:
  • A 2-page maximum outline of your research
  • A 2-page maximum letter of support from your supervisor confirming that the applicant and their research meets the eligibility requirements
  • Your unofficial USask transcripts
If your supervisor wishes to provide a confidential letter of support, it can be emailed to Letter of support must be received by our office by the deadline date below.

: Monday, January 31, 2025 at 4:30 pm CST

Question Title

* 1. Data Management & Privacy