Consent Form

If you are 18 years old or older, you are invited to participate in a research study entitled: Impression of Models in Advertisements

Researcher: Kristine Escueta. Undergraduate Student: Honours in Psychology. Psychology and Health Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan. Email:

Supervisor: Professor Peter R. Grant. Coordinator, Culture, Health, and Human Development Graduate Program and Professor, Psychology and Health Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan. Email:; Phone: 306-966-6675.

Purpose of the Research and its Benefits: The primary purpose of the research is to train the student-researcher in behavioural research methods. Specifically, the project’s purpose is to validate Erving Goffman’s (Canadian Sociologist) instrument that measures gender-role stereotypes of women, specifically that women tend to be portrayed as submissive and explicitly sexual, in advertisements. This instrument uses visual cues that Goffman developed more than 50 years ago in 1979. The study is designed to validate and update Goffman’s measure by associating participants’ subjective ratings of submissiveness and explicit sexuality with his measures of these constructs. A second goal of the study is to compare how models from different regions of the world influence the participants’ subjective impressions of them. Specifically, the models in the advertisements are of White (North American) or East Asian origin. The photographs of models in advertisements used in this study are taken from North American fashion magazines and the Chinese versions of North American and Japanese fashion magazines, which are popular in both countries, respectively.

The current literature shows that there is a gap regarding measures researchers can use to examine the impression of models in advertisements and studies that validate Goffman’s instrument that measures gender-role stereotypes (submissiveness and explicit sexuality) in advertisements used in fashion magazines. This study has been has been designed fill this gap. That is, the findings will provide insights into the validity of a newly developed measure of impression of models in advertisements and validate the accuracy of Goffman’s instrument that measures gender-role stereotypes in advertisements.

Procedures: If you decide to participate in this online survey, you will be asked to give your honest impression of a total of six different models portrayed in advertisements using the Impression of Models in Advertisement (IMA) scale, which measures your impression of the models in terms of their submissiveness, and their explicit sexuality. Afterward, you will be asked to respond to the Physical Attraction Scale, which measures your overall impression of the models’ physical attractiveness. At the end of the survey, you will be asked for your demographic information. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes or less to complete.

Risks: Participating in this online survey does not pose any known or anticipated risks to you. However, everyone is different, so please do not hesitate to contact Professor Grant or Kristine Escueta if you have any concerns.