If you live more than 110 KM from Saskatoon, you can apply to write your exam online using Proctorio

You will access your exam via your Canvas Course, and exams must be written on the scheduled date and time. The cost of a Proctorio invigilated exam is $10.00 (CAD) per student, and the fee is assessed on your student account following the examination date. The fee is non-refundable. 
Contact the Registrarial Services Exam Office at distance.exams@usask.ca if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or you need to make a change after you have submitted this form. Please confirm the exam, date, and time below.

Remember, the exam must be written in Canvas, on the scheduled date and time.
Examination Date and Time

Question Title

* 1. Tues., April 22, 2025, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (CST)

Proctorio Exams
Similar to having an instructor in the room monitoring students during an in-class exam, Proctorio is a digital tool for monitoring student academic integrity on key assessments. There are a variety of ways (settings) that Proctorio may be used to monitor online assessments. The options for the BMSC 207 exam include:

Record video + verify video
Record audio + verify audio
Browser lockdown: Force full screen (moderate or lenient)
Clear cache

You may review the Proctorio Privacy Policy here: https://proctorio.com/privacy#test-taker&can&all

You are responsible for ensuring that you have the minimum system requirements, and you are responsible for ensuring your device is set up and ready well in advance of the examination date. Further information can be found at: https://proctorio.com/support/requirements and https://proctorio.com/support/setup

If you have any questions regarding your examination arrangements, please call Registrarial Services Examinations Office at 306-966-4811 or email distance.exams@usask.ca. Office hours are 8:30 am–12:00 pm and 12:30 pm–4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Question Title

* 2. I have read the above information and agree to complete my exam using the Proctorio settings noted above.

Student Information

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* 3. First Name

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* 4. Last Name

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* 5. NSID (Network Services ID)(abc123)

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* 6. Student Number (12345678)

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* 7. Email Address (U of S email only, abc123@mail.usask.ca) Confirmation will be sent to U of S email address.

Question Title

* 8. Address

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* 9. City

Question Title

* 10. Province/State (example SK, MB, ON)

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* 11. Postal Code/Zip Code

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* 12. Country

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* 13. Daytime Telephone Number

If you have a diagnosed disability (learning, medical, physical or mental health), you are strongly encouraged to register with Access and Equity Services. In order to access AES programs and supports, you must follow AES policy and procedures. If you suspect you may have a disability, contact AES for advice and referrals. 306-966-7273 or aes@usask.ca or students.usask.ca/health/aes.

Question Title

* 14. Are you registered with Access and Equity Services?