Evertune Business Concept Question Title * 1. What are the most common difficulties you face when tuning your drums, and what strategies or techniques have you found most effective in overcoming them? Question Title * 2. How do different drum components (e.g., drumheads, shells, lugs, tuning devices) influence the tuning process, and what specific equipment choices have significantly improved or hindered your ability to achieve your desired sound? Question Title * 3. How do both internal factors (e.g., tuning experience, personal preferences, available time) and external factors (e.g., drum quality, tuning tools, room acoustics, temperature, humidity, event type) interact to shape your tuning process and outcomes? Question Title * 4. If an advanced drum tuning accessory existed that required minimal manual intervention, would you use it? Why or why not, and what key features would make it valuable or unnecessary for you? Question Title * 5. Frequency of Tuning IssuesHow often do you experience difficulties when tuning your drums? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 6. Do you use any external tools (e.g., tuning apps, Drum Dial, TuneBot) to assist with drum tuning? Yes, regularly Occasionally No, I tune only by ear Question Title * 7. If a device existed that could tune your drums automatically with minimal effort, would you use it? Yes, definitely Maybe, depending on the cost and effectiveness No, I prefer manual tuning Question Title * 8. What is your drumming experience? Basic (1 - 2 years) Intermediate (3 - 5 years) Advanced (5 years or more) Question Title * 9. What is your name? Done