Consent Form

Name of Project: Parental Behavior and Personality Assessment 

Principal Investigator: 
Benjamin J. Zubaly 
Department of Psychology 
Trinity Western University 
Phone: (208) 889-3425 

Jaime L. Palmer-Hague, PhD 
Department of Psychology 
Trinity Western University 
Phone: (604) 888-7511 Ext. 3101 

Study Purpose: 
The purpose of this study is to learn more about people’s behaviors, faces, and social interactions. 

Study Procedures: 
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire, fill out some personality measures, and submit a facial photograph. Completion of the study should take no longer than 20 min. 

Potential Benefits to Participants and/or to Society: 
Research is designed to benefit society by gaining new knowledge. You may not benefit directly from being in this research study; however, you may learn more about yourself and gain some general insight into the way you think and behave. In addition, the information you provide may be presented at professional conferences or published in academic journals where it will help other researchers to learn more about psychology. 

Potential Risks and Discomforts: 
It is unlikely that participating in this study will have any negative impact on your well-being. However, it is possible that you may feel uncomfortable completing the personality questionnaires. If you have any concerns about your treatment or rights as a research participant, you may contact the Ethics Compliance Officer in the Office of Research, Trinity Western University at 604-513-2167 or 

Since we are using SurveyMonkey, an online survey website, to collect your data, any information you provide will be stored on their server located in the United States. Thus, it is also subject to the United States Patriot Act. 
We will obtain your facial data in digital form. We will not receive any other information pertaining to your personal identity. Although it is possible that you could be recognized by this data if it were accessed, this data will be kept on a password-locked online storage platform managed and maintained by Trinity Western University. Only study investigators and research assistants will have access to the stored data. We will keep facial photographs indefinitely. 
The rest of your submitted data will also be kept on a password-locked online storage platform managed and maintained by Trinity Western University. There will be no identifying information contained in this data. Your identity will remain completely anonymous. Data may be shared publicly with other researchers and there will be no way for these researchers to identify you or your data. The results of this study may be used to write a scientific report, but no identifying information will be used in such a report. 

You will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 2 Amazon Gift Cards worth $100 CAD.

Contact for Information: 
If you have any questions or desire further information with respect to this study, you may contact Benjamin Zubaly at General results for this project can also be obtained by request at this address.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time and your data will be deleted and you will not have access to the information you submitted. You may also request that your data be deleted after completing the survey and receiving debriefing information. If you choose to withdraw after submission of the completed survey, you will still be entered into the drawing, but you will not have access to the information that you previously submitted. In any of these events, please contact the research team. Please feel free to ask the experimenter any additional questions you may have about the study. 

By clicking “continue” you are indicating that you consent to participate in this study and that your responses may be put in anonymous form and kept for further use after the completion of this study. 

This informed consent form was approved by Trinity Western University’s Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) on 2022-06-07. 

Please print a copy for your records.