• English
  • Français (Canada)

Questionnaire for SEG CO-OP students, terms T4 to T6

As explained in section 2 of the CO-OP guidelines for SEG students, a SEG student who has successfully completed 3 CO-OP terms with full reports does not have to complete a full report for the remaining internships (typically for terms T4, T5, and T6).

This survey replaces the previous submission of the letter and the one-pager containing recommendations (based on your CO-OP term) to the employer, the CO-OP and Careers office, and the SEG program committee. There is no need for you to submit anything on the CO-OP Navigator.

Answers to this survey are meant to help the SEG program committee improve the program and the CO-OP experience of SEG students. Questions 1 to 5 are mandatory but the remaining ones are optional.

Please note that the survey is NOT anonymous, as your personal information is still needed to give you a PASS mark. However, only aggregated information (without the names of the authors) will be communicated to the SEG program committee and to the CO-OP and Careers office.

Thank you in advance for your input!

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* 1. Basic information

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* 2. Which internship is this for you?

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* 3. Please provide your constructive feedback and suggestions to your employers. How might your employers improve the environment for CO-OP and/or improve their processes or products?

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* 4. Please provide your constructive feedback and suggestions to the CO-OP and Careers office: Did your CO-OP work term provide a suitable environment for you to expand your knowledge and skills, and enhance your career? How might the CO-OP process be improved? How can employers and their needs be better understood?

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* 5. Please provide your constructive feedback and suggestions to the Software Engineering curriculum committee. How well have the courses you have taken in your SEG program prepared you for your COOP work term? How could the courses or program be improved? How could companies be better engaged in terms of events/collaboration?

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* 6. Based on your experience this term, which courses in your SEG program were the most useful? Please provide for each course (up to 3) the code and number without spacing (e.g., SEG1234), and the main reason.

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* 7. Based on your experience this term, what would be your top suggestions for improving courses in your SEG program? Please provide for each course (up to 3) the code and number without spacing (e.g., SEG1234), and your suggestion.

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* 8. Based on your experience this term, which software-related technologies were very useful to your work? Please separate the technologies with commas. Common acronyms are welcomed.

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* 9. Describe the areas of competence where you believe you have most improved in this Co-Op placement (We suggest you refer to your competency development objectives, but if you have developed in other ways, you may mention those).

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* 10. If you received useful feedback from your supervisor or colleagues during the mid-term evaluation, please describe that feedback, and any actions you took in response to that feedback.