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For this study, we are interested in individuals who have experienced complex trauma. We define complex trauma as prolonged, inescapable, and repetitive trauma that often occurs within relationships. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Child abuse or neglect, or other traumatic events in childhood
  • Abuse within a close relationship
  • Military service in a combat zone (not simply in an office environment) or serving as a first responder (police, paramedic)
  • Involvement in a political or religious cult
  • Forced migration due to political instability, conflict, or war

We are recruiting individuals with lived experience to gain their feedback on the care needs of people who have experienced trauma, the difficulties they face in accessing care, and how care can be made more accessible and appropriate.

Please note this study is intended as research, and IS NOT therapy or a therapeutic intervention. If you are in a mental health crisis currently we do not recommend participation in this study.

Below are some questions to determine your eligibility to participate. You will receive immediate feedback on whether or not you qualify to participate.

If you are currently in a mental health crisis and need support please follow this link: International Crisis Center
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