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Please fill in your information below to be contacted to participate in a focus group related to the potential of the DELF Correcteur training as a tool for supporting French as a Second Language (FSL) teacher candidates and practicing teachers.

Thank you!

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Personal email address (not uOttawa)

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* 4. Year you completed the DELF training

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* 5. Select all the dates you are available.

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* 6. Consent Form:
Title: DELF Correcteur Training in FSL Teacher Education 

Professor Stephanie Arnott
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
(613) 562-5800 ext. 4382
Invitation to Participate: I am invited to participate in the abovementioned research study conducted by Stephanie Arnott. 
Purpose of the Study: This project will investigate the potential of the Diplôme d’études en langue française  (DELF) Correcteur Training as a tool for supporting French as a Second Language (FSL) teacher candidates and teachers.
Participation: My participation will consist essentially of participating in a 60-minute focus group interview on Zoom during which I will be asked questions about the training and its impact on my current work position. The interview will be audio-recorded. The date and time of the interview will be determined according to the preferences and availability of all of the focus group participants. 
Benefits: My participation in this study will give me a chance to reflect more deeply on the extent to which the training I took a year ago has impacted my professional practice, both in terms of my personal practice as well as overarching beliefs about student competence.
Confidentiality and anonymity: I have received assurance from the researcher that the information I will share will remain strictly confidential. I understand that the contents will be used only for various forms of dissemination, such as presentations (at the Faculty of Education or at conferences) and journal articles and that my confidentiality will be protected: Any physical data collected will be stored in a locked filing cabinet in the principal investigator's work space. All raw electronic data collected during this study (e.g., audio recordings, transcripts) will be kept on password-protected computers accessible only to the study team. By conducting an interview online or on the phone, it is possible that someone close to me will hear what I have to say. It is therefore important to plan the interview in a place that provides me with a minimum of privacy. 
Anonymity will be protected in the following manner: A pseudonym will be assigned during the transcription process and will be used to name files and in all forms of dissemination (e.g., faculty or conference presentations and journal articles). Focus group participants will be privy to all comments made by fellow participants during their interview. They may also be familiar with fellow focus group participants, since they participated in the training together one year prior. For these reasons, I understand that my anonymity cannot be guaranteed. 
Conservation of data: All audio files of the focus group interviews and transcripts made from the recordings will be retained indefinitely. The focus group data will be stored on a password-protected computer. An electronic copy of all of the data collected throughout the study will also be saved on a password-protected external hard drive. This will be kept in a locked cabinet in the researcher's office at the University of Ottawa.  
Voluntary Participation: I am under no obligation to participate and if I choose to participate, I can withdraw from the study at any time and/or refuse to answer any questions, without suffering any negative consequences. Given the interdependent nature of the focus group, if I choose to withdraw, my data cannot be removed.

Question Title

* 7. To consent to participate in this study, please enter your name in the text box below.

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