Exit Working from Home Check-In Question Title * 1. How satisfied are you with your current work from home arrangement? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 2. What are the THREE biggest challenges you are currently facing while working from home? Internet connectivity Social isolation Communication with co-workers is harder Childcare I’m sick or helping others who are sick I don’t have access to the tools or information I need to do my job at home Too many distractions at home Keeping a regular schedule My physical workspace General anxiety about the impact of coronavirus on my life Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Do you have all the equipment you need in order to do your work from home? Yes No Question Title * 4. Do you have a dedicated workspace where you can work at your home? Yes No Question Title * 5. What else do you need to do your job well while working remotely? Question Title * 6. SFU is now developing a Safe Return to the Workplace plan. What concerns do you have with returning to your physical work space? Getting to work safely Interacting with other people (staff, students, faculty) Cleaning and other protocols of the physical environment (elevators, doors, washrooms etc.) I care for an immune-compromised or person vulnerable to COVID-19 Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What questions do you have that APSA can take back to the University leadership? Done