The last year and a half has seen not only a significant shift to online learning for students, but also for instructors and those who support instruction. As we emerge from the pandemic, we can all acknowledge that what we know about online learning and educational technology has changed dramatically, as has the knowledge, experience and skills of those we support. At the same time, all institutions across BC (and indeed across North America) have invested heavily in training and the provision of resources to help instructors provide the best education possible. There are now many sources for ‘how-to’ workshops and seminars on a wide range of topics connected to education technology.

Given this, the ETUG steering committee would like your input on which activities we should focus on for the coming year. Thinking ahead, what would be valuable to you? What new directions could ETUG communications and Pro D events take?

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* 1. In the past ETUG has hosted or facilitated activities like:
  • face to face workshops
  • online workshops
  • single topic webinars
  • ETUG Newsletter
  • ETUG Slack
With these activities, and any other possibilities in mind:

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* 2. ETUG, supported by BCcampus, is a grassroots, volunteer facilitated group. The next two questions are about your interest in helping with ETUG. Please add your name and email address if you are interested.

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* 3. Would you be interested in working with other ETUG members on a specific project or issue?

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* 4. Would you be interested in serving on the Stewardship Committee for ETUG, planning and facilitating various projects, workshops and ongoing platforms.

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* 5. What other comments would you like to pass along?