Please complete this survey by the end of March 2022 to update the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training on the status of your Phase II COWIL project.

Only fill out the survey for 1 project at a time. You can submit multiple responses to the survey.

If you need assistance completing this survey, contact Project Manager, Co-op and Work-integrated Learning Initiative, Hannah Ahluwalia at

Question Title

* 1. Project Information (Click here for project numbers)

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* 2. Your Contact Information

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* 3. Affiliation with this project

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* 4. Post-secondary institution(s) involved in this project (check all that apply):

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* 5. Sector partner(s) involved in the project (e.g., BC WIL Council, Chamber of Commerce, etc.):

Question Title

* 6. List the project numbers (click here for list) of other Phase II COWIL Initiative projects you are collaborating with:

Question Title

* 7. Project Focus Area: Select the primary focus of your project

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* 8. Project Focus Areas: Select all areas that apply to your project

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* 9. Is your project on track to be complete by the end of the funding period (August 2022)?

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* 10. Have there been any changes/modifications to the current or future scope of the project?

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* 11. Have the current, actual or intended project expenditures changed as a result of changes to the project's scope?

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* 12. Is your project developing resources to help practitioners/staff, employers or students in WIL? (e.g., toolkits, guides, research, data)

Question Title

* 13. Additional comments, questions, concerns or requests: 

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100% of survey complete.