Page 1: Eligibility & Application Deadline

The UVSS Society for Students with a Disability (SSD), and the other UVSS Advocacy Groups, have generously established a $3000 bursary fund for the Summer 2023 semester (May - August 2023). This bursary helps ensure access to LAP Tutor, Learning Strategist, and Full-Serve Note Taking services for students who do not qualify for funding through the Canada Student Grant - DSE program.

To be eligible for the SSD Bursary, you must:

  1. Be a UVic student who identifies as having a disability
  2. Be registered in credit-bearing UVic courses in the semester of application.
  3. Not qualify for the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities in the semester you are applying for (Summer 2023), herein called the “semester of application”.
  4. Use SSD Bursary funding for LAP services (Tutor/Learning Strategist and/or Full-Serve Notetaking) in the semester of application.

Application process & deadline: The application period will open from July 1 - July 15. Apply by completing the questions on the next page of this survey by the deadline of July 15.

Unfortunately, applications received after the deadline, or with incomplete information will not be accepted. You will be alerted if you are an SSD Bursary recipient. If you have any questions about the application process please contact us ahead of the deadline at or (250) 472-5494 .

The UVic Learning Assistance Program would like to offer our sincere gratitude to the Society for Students with a Disability (SSD), and the UVSS & student Advocacy Groups, for their support of UVic students and recognition of the positive role the Learning Assistance Program has in supporting student academic success. 
Did you know the SSD offers events, workshops, and more funding opportunities? 
Find out more: