One of the recommendations and priorities of UVic’s Health Initiative is to "Build and invest in new shared infrastructure platforms". Following this recommendation, the Office of the VP Research and Innovation is working to transform a currently unoccupied space in the Petch building into a shared facility for health researchers from across the University. With a budget of ~$1.5 million (for planning and renovation) the ~2000 sqft space will be reimagined to create valuable new research spaces that will allow UVic health researchers to grow their programs and foster new interdisciplinary collaborations.

We would greatly value your feedback during this planning phase.

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* 1. What does a shared health research space on campus need?

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* 2. What would make a shared space valuable and impactful?

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* 3. How do we make a dynamic space that is able to grow and change with the needs of researchers?

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* 4. Would you be interested in being a part of a planning subgroup for the project? If so please provide your email address.

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* 5. Name (Note: all demographic questions are optional)

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* 6. Affiliation

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* 7. If relevant, please let us know what Faculty you are part of.

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* 8. Are you affiliated with any UVic research centres or units? Click link to see list:

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* 9. Final question: Do you have any further comments or suggestions?