The Don Seaman Award for Engineering Team Projects supports student group work on engineering projects that are deemed special and worthy from within the University. The fund is dedicated to enabling special opportunities for students to build teamwork, enable experiential learning and inspire an attitude of taking new approaches. For more information on eligibility, please review the award website.
Recipient groups will be selected based on the merits of their application, weighted by:
  • Benefits for students and stakeholders (25%)
  • The unique or special opportunity that deems the project further worthy of support (50%)
  • How the project incorporates new ideas or approaches to doing things (25%)
Please ensure your responses contain all the required information for the Council to base their decision. Conciseness will be considered an asset in application quality; as a general guideline keep responses to less than 150 words unless the question requests otherwise.

Question Title

* 1. Project Name

Question Title

* 2. Student Group Name

Question Title

* 3. Is your student group ratified by the USSU? Funding can only be awarded to ratified student groups.

Question Title

* 4. Main contact person name

Question Title

* 5. Main contact person NSID

Question Title

* 6. Provide an overview of the project and group

Question Title

* 7. Upload the project budget

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Describe how the funds will be used

Question Title

* 9. Describe the technical, professional, or personal benefits of the project for students or other stakeholders

Question Title

* 10. Describe what is special, noteworthy, unique, or distinct about the project

Question Title

* 11. Describe how the project incorporates new approaches, ideas, or notable changes, and why it matters

Question Title

* 12. Name of the individual responsible for submitting the required report to the administrator within two months of completion of the activity. The report must include:
  • Highlights of the outcomes including how it met the funding criteria
  • Impact indicators or metrics that may be available (i.e., attendance numbers, web page hits, etc.)
  • Lessons learned that will be applied should the activity be held again in future
  • Actual cost
The final report must be submitted using this form:

Question Title

* 13. NSID of the individual responsible for submitting the required report to the administrator within two months of completion of the activity.