Amplifying Lessons Consent Form: Educators, Collaborators and Administrators |
Research Information Letter and Participant Consent Form
Information Letter & Consent Form
***Please find the full Information Letter here
Title of Study: Amplifying Lessons from the Koh-Learning in our Watersheds Program: An Investigation into Transformative Education and Design
Who is conducting the study?
Dr. Hartley Banack
School of Education
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9
Who is sponsoring the study?
This study is being funded by Vancouver Foundation.
What is the purpose of the study?
Title of Study: Amplifying Lessons from the Koh-Learning in our Watersheds Program: An Investigation into Transformative Education and Design
Who is conducting the study?
Dr. Hartley Banack
School of Education
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9
Who is sponsoring the study?
This study is being funded by Vancouver Foundation.
What is the purpose of the study?
Youth are key to thriving rural and remote communities. There is much evidence that youth, particularly Indigenous youth, are disconnected from school and learning. The program called Koh-Learning in our Watersheds: Transforming education by connecting students, communities and waterways began in 2019 with three transformative learning goals: 1) foster student stewardship of their local environments; 2) develop student influence and connections across community sectors; and 3) empower students as change-makers within and beyond their own systems. In 2021, a fourth, over-arching goal was added: 4) contribute to decolonizing and Indigenizing the BC Ministry of Education K-12 curriculum for enhanced student success by honouring diverse ways of knowing, supporting student agency, and centering well-being in education.
The intentions of Koh-Learning come from how Koh-Learning designs the program’s learning experiences. Through explorations of historical and present-day practices in Koh-Learning, this ‘Amplifying Lessons’ research project seeks to understand: How might the intentional design and implementation of the Koh-Learning program offer lessons that can support future learners, educators and educational designers to shift practices of “mainstream” schooling to support the development of practical wisdom to enhance leadership and learning. Importantly, this research project seeks to amplify lessons for the benefit of future learners, educators and educational designers as well as to support theory development and education research.