You are being asked to take part in a research study called Domestic student recruitment strategy conducted by Kevin Boehmer, CPA, CA, Faculty, at the College of the Rockies.
The goal of this research is to gather data that would help target domestic student recruitment. The purpose of this research is to collect information on your view of what you deem most important from a post secondary institution.
You are invited to complete the attached questionnaire focused on questions related to your choice of post secondary institutions. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Your participation is voluntary. You may decline filling out the questionnaire or leave any questions blank that you don’t wish to answer. Your participation with this questionnaire will not impact your course marks. You will receive no direct benefits from participating in this research study. However, your responses may help us learn more about how to improve domestic recruitment in the Kootenay area. There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this study other than those encountered in day-to-day life.
Your questionnaire answers will be returned to the researcher. Your name will not be attached to the questionnaire. No one will be able to identify you or your answers, and no one will know whether or not you participated in the study. Data obtained from this research will be kept confidential and reported in general terms.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact Kevin Boehmer, CPA, CA at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a subject in this study, you may contact the Research Ethics Board Chair (REB), Dr. Marnie Kramer-Kile, at 250-489-2751 (ext. 3624) or access her via email at .
By completing and returning the questionnaire you agree that you:
1. Have read the above information
2. Voluntarily agree to participate
3. Agree to have your data used for program improvement and/or publication