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* 1. Company Name

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* 2. Contact Information

Help us discover your training needs by answering a few initial questions.

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* 3. What are some training objectives you would like to meet?

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* 4. Does the training you're looking for already exist on our website or course calendar? If yes, what is the course name?

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* 5. How many participants are you anticipating?

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* 6. What are your participants level of experience with the intended training you would like delivered?

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* 7. What would be the ideal date for us to deliver this training?

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* 8. What would be the ideal length of time for the training to be delivered?

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* 9. Would you like the training delivered on your site or ours? (CNC Prince George.)

Lastly, how did you find us?

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* 10. I heard about you through: