H.E.A.L. Learner Survey Informed Consent Question Title * Thank you for visiting the Hearts-Based Education and Anti-Colonial Learning (H.E.A.L.) website, a learning space for those wanting to address biases and '-isms' within the health system.We invite you to participate in this evaluation survey about your most recent experience with our website. We value your feedback regardless of where you are in your learning journey. Whether you've finished multiple offerings and have done this survey before, or this is your first visit to the website and you finished one activity, we would appreciate learning from you.All data will be collected and analyzed by the H.E.A.L project team (learn more about us here). Data resulting from this survey will be anonymous and used to inform the project's next steps. It may also be published in a scientific journal or shared at an academic conference. If you would like to receive a copy of any publications related to this project please let us know by emailing harc@unbc.ca. The survey will take about 8 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary. You can stop at any time by closing the browser window. Responses already answered may be used as data.If you have any questions about this survey (or the website more broadly), please email the project team at harc@unbc.ca. I consent to participate in this survey I do not consent to participating in this survey Next