Event Introduction & Important Dates 

The Graduate Students' Association (GSA) invites University of Saskatchewan graduate students to participate in the Graduate Research Elevator Pitch Competition 2023. This Elevator Pitch competition aims to prepare University of Saskatchewan graduate students to share their research orally with people from various backgrounds in under 60 seconds without using presentation slides. 

To participate in the first Graduate Research Elevator Pitch Competition, please submit this registration form by the deadline. 

Registration Open: November 13, 2023
Registration Close: November 27, 2023 (11:30 pm)
Competition Date: November 30, 2023
Event Location & Time: GSA Commons (Emmanuel & St. Chad, 1337 College Drive)
Event Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 

Best Elevator Pitch Awards: Five prizes in total, $200 each  

Note for Participant: All registered participants must be present throughout the competition, as the presenter's name will be randomly selected. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the GSA President at gsa.pres@usask.ca 

Helpful Resources To Prepare Your Elevator Pitch: 

1) How to Create an Elevator Pitch with Examples? [Source: Mignone Centre for Career Success, Harvard University]

2) What is an elevator pitch, and why do I need one? [Source: Center for CAREER Development, Princeton University] 

3) The 30 Second Elevator Speech  [Source: Tenessee Tech University]
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17% of survey complete.