Before you begin, ensure you have all the necessary materials to complete the application. Once you exit the survey your application is submitted as is. If you are not finished completing the information and leave the SurveyMonkey application, you will not be able to return to where you left off and your application will be considered incomplete.

This scholarship is open to students entering or continuing studies in a Master's or Doctoral program whose thesis research contributes to the development of agriculture in Saskatchewan, as determined by the Awards Committee.

Master’s students are eligible to hold up to a maximum of two years of the Harvey scholarship in the first three years of their graduate program. Master’s students cannot hold this scholarship beyond the 36th month of their graduate program.

PhD students are eligible to hold up to a maximum of three years of the Harvey scholarship funding in the first four years of their program. PhD students cannot hold this scholarship beyond the 48th month of their graduate program.

Students applying must have a minimum grade point average of 80%.
This award is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Deadline: Monday, January 20, 2025 at 4:30 pm CST

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