Employee Well-being and Engagement, Why It Matters:

Humber College is committed to transforming our student and employee experience by creating a campus that is healthy, inclusive and engenders a highly positive employee experience. In our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, we have identified several initiatives that together contribute to achieving this commitment. Strategic Priority 7.2: Employee Well-being and Engagement aims to inspire excellence by developing an employee engagement plan that promotes well-being, enhances motivation and facilitates a commitment to organizational goals and values.

Employees' perspectives are critical to the development of this plan.

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Let your vote matter by completing the survey questions below. All the questions presented here for your vote are key drivers of employee well-being and engagement which require your consideration.

<span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Instructions:</strong></span><br><br><span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: 14pt;">Let your vote matter by completing the survey questions below. All the questions presented here for your vote are key drivers of employee well-being and engagement which require your consideration.</span>
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11% of survey complete.