ISSE Workshop Proposal |
ISSE Workshop Proposal Form
Indigenous Student Scholars' Experience (ISSE) is co-curricular initiative offered by the Office of the Vice Dean Indigenous Arts & Science, Indigenous Student Achievement Pathways (ISAP) and Student Learning Services (SLS).
We hope to connect the interests, enthusiasms and expertise of Indigenous graduate students and undergraduate scholars in our college. ISSE gatherings prioritize opportunities for disciplinary mentorship and invitations to position Indigenous perspectives and priorities as assets for academic engagement at every level of study.
ISSE will host 6-8 workshops between August 2021 and April 2022. Each 90 minute session will be facilitated or co-facilitated by graduate students, who will be thanked for their contribution with an honorarium of $200 (recognizing time contributed to preparation as well as the 90 minute session). As of today (Feb 2021) we are assuming that sessions will be facilitated remotely, though we'd be excited to gather in person if community safety permits.
We have limited funding available to offer additional honoraria to invited speakers, if you have a workshop idea that would include invitation of a role model, alumni, Elder or knowledge keeper; please indicate in your proposal if this is the case.
We will reply to all submissions to this form, and hope to finalize our schedule of ISSE gatherings by July 2021. Thank you for your interest and support!