NIC Fall 2022 Orientation

Thank you for taking part in NIC's Fall 2022 Orientation. In order to help us continually improve orientation, please take a couple of minutes to complete the following brief survey. Your answers will be confidential. On behalf of Student Life at NIC, we thank you.

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* 1. Overall, how would you rate NIC's orientation activities? (5 being very helpful and 1 being not helpful at all)

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* 2. Please choose all that apply to you...

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* 3. Which orientation activities did you attend? (please check all the apply)

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* 4. In the activities that you attended, what information was most helpful to you?

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* 5. Was there anything that was not covered that you hoped would have been?

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* 6. Do you still have urgent questions that haven't been answered? If yes, then please provide your email address below or email us at and we will assist you.

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions or feedback for future orientation planning?

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* 8. If you would like to be included in the draw for a prize, please enter your email address below.

Thank you for completing the survey. We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please email