1. Preamble and Consent

CNIB is undertaking a project to understand the Accessibility of your online learning experience for Post Secondary students. Our goal is to gain an understanding of the successes and barriers that students are currently facing because of the pandemic.  


This research will provide up-to-date data on the Educational experiences of post secondary students with sight loss to better inform our program development and advocacy efforts.


To achieve our goal of better understanding of Post Secondary students’ experience with online learning platforms and disability, we are asking that you complete our "Accessibility of Online Learning Survey" survey. All data collected will be kept anonymous and confidential. Results will be reported in aggregate, without any identifying features associated with any individual. Data will not be shared except in aggregate, summary form with outside parties. 


Please note that participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and confidential. Decisions you make around participation will have absolutely no impact on the services you receive from CNIB, either now or in the future. You can end the interview/online survey at any time, and you can choose not to answer certain questions. And, of course, there are no consequences to you if you choose not to participate. 


For more information about the project, or to ask questions about the research, please email research@cnib.ca. 


By answering "YES" to the consent question below, you understand and acknowledge the purpose of the survey, as well as how the data will be analyzed and used by the CNIB.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to participate in this survey?