Public Sector Workshop Series

If you are interested in earning a Certificate of Completion for the JSGS Public Sector Workshop Series, please complete the application form below. 

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. To earn a certificate, you need to complete 6 full days of training, including the introductory workshop, The Role of the Public Servant. (Note: The Role of the Public Servant requirement is waived for participants who have completed masters degrees in public administration or public policy). The cut-off for certificates each year is March 31, and certificates are distributed the following summer.

Knowing this, when do you expect to complete these requirements?

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* 3. To the best of your knowledge, which public sector workshops have you completed? We will verify this information by comparing it to our registration records.

Please do not email JSGS to ask which workshops you've completed, as there are many certificate recipients and we receive a high volume of emails. You are responsible for tracking your own completed workshops. If you have access to the PSC Client system, your PSC Client profile will list the JSGS workshops you have completed.

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* 4. Are there any specific workshop topics you're hoping we offer in the next year?

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* 5. Of the JSGS core competency framework, which competencies are a high priority for you or your organization? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Why do you want to earn a JSGS Certificate of Completion? Check all that apply.

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* 7. What are three reasons you would recommend JSGS public sector workshops to others?

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about JSGS Certificates of Completion or the Public Sector Workshop Series?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. We will use this information to plan our certificate program going forward.