In this form are options to indicate your consent to use Twitter, Wordpress,  Google,, Mattermost, Trello, Twitter, Wordpress, and invite you to share your topics of interest. The personal information shared may include your name and email, although pseudonyms or first names only are welcome, so long as you inform your instructor directly which pseudonym/first name is yours. If you would prefer to stay offline, please share your responses to all or any these questions with your instructor via email. 

Please note: SurveyMonkey is a cloud-based tool located outside of Canada. Entering your name here or on any of the aforementioned tools means that information and any other information you choose to share will be disclosed and stored on their servers. Privacy legislation requires we inform you of this and obtain your consent to this arrangement. This consent will be valid from the date you submit this form and will not expire. It is not practicable to identify where the servers are located for these cloud tools, except to say they are located outside of Canada (except Wordpress on or on, which are located within Canada). By submitting this form, you give consent to these terms.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name? (private for your instructor and not for posting)

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* 2. What are your preferred pronouns?

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* 3. Who is your instructor and what is your section for EDCI 336?

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* 4. What is your blog address? (e.g.,

Question Title

* 5. Are you ok with your blog address being shared publicly on the course website? 

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* 6. If you opt for sharing your blog on the blog list on the course website, do you want to provide your name next to your URL. If so, what name would you like to use (e.g. first name only, first and last name, pseudonym)

If using first name, initials, or pseudonym, please contact your instructor directly to make them aware which profile is yours.

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* 7. If your blog is set to be public, are you ok with your blog posts being shared publicly on the course website under the learner blog feed?

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* 8. If you consent to using Twitter, what is your Twitter handle?

Using Twitter is recommended, but optional. If you have one and want to share it, please enter it here (e.g., @_valeriei)

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* 9. Are you ok with us adding your Twitter handle to a curated Twitter list publicly? (e.g., "Fall 2021 EDCI 336")

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* 10. Are you ok with your instructor sharing out your blog posts and/or tweets by sharing them online publicly (e.g., tweeting a blog post of yours to a Twitter hashtag or to relevant professionals of interest)?

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* 11. If you have joined Mattermost already, what is your username (e.g., @luke)

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* 12. What are your professional or educational areas of interest (K-12/subject areas, grade levels, higher ed, business, health, special topics, career goals).