This application is to be completed by the student. The purpose of the WHRF travel award is to provide travel assistance for an undergraduate or graduate student from WCVM to present their research at a Wildlife Health Conference. The student must be presenting to be eligible for this travel award. Eligible travel dates are May 1, 2025- April 30, 2026.

Please note: You may apply for both the WHRF travel award and the Graduate Student Travel award but only one of each is allowed per year for a given student. Holders of IPGF are ineligible.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your NSID:

Question Title

* 5. Please enter your supervisors name:

Question Title

* 6. Please select your program

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* 7. Please enter your area of study:

Question Title

* 8. Program Timeframe:


Question Title

* 9. Please enter the current source of your stipend/scholarship/fellowship and end date (if applicable):

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* 10. Please enter past travel awards you have received:

Question Title

* 11. Description of Meeting

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* 12. What type of presentation are you giving?

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* 13. Is this an invited presentation?

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* 14. Is the presentation accepted?

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* 15. Are you attending virtually/online?

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* 16. Describe the importance of this meeting to your undergraduate or graduate training program:

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* 17. Please list any other scientific or professional meetings you have attended during the period of your current program:

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* 18. Please list any other monetary awards previously received during your current studies (include past IPGF, C. Doige, etc.):

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* 19. Please list the estimated costs for attending this meeting:

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* 20. What other source of funds have you obtained or applied for to attend this meeting?

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* 21. Will your supervisor provide the remainder of cost not funded by travel awards?

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* 22. Confirmation of supervisor support

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Question Title

* 23. Please attach an abstract if one has already been submitted

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