Introduction to the SFU Accessibility Survey

The purpose of this survey is to gather input on accessibility at SFU. Your feedback will be used to inform the SFU Accessibility Plan, which will be released in Fall 2024 and outline SFU’s approach to improving access for people who identify as having (a) disability(ies) and/or as neurodivergent. The Plan will support our commitment to fostering a safe, diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for all members of the SFU community. It will also align with the BC Accessibility Act and strive to address the structural gaps outlined in the Equity Compass.

The survey is open to all SFU students, faculty, staff and alumni until June 21, 2024, and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation.


Collection of Information Notice:

Personal information is collected in this feedback mechanism under the authority of sections 26(a), (c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), and section 9 of the Accessible British Columbia Act (SBC 2021) for the purpose of gathering information about barriers to accessibility; feedback will be reviewed by the Accessibility Secretariat and will be considered in future actions removing barriers. Where applicable, information will be shared with areas of service to address accessibility barriers. Any questions about the collection and use of this information may be referred to Laya Behbahani at

If you are in an unsafe situation or in personal crisis, please contact:

Call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room
SFU Campus Security (on campus non-emergencies) at 778-782-4500
9-8-8- National Suicide Crisis Helpline
Greater Vancouver Crisis Line 604-872-3311