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2022 - 2026 Kenora Police Services Board Strategic Plan Survey
Greetings Residents and Citizens!
The Kenora Police Services Board (KPSB) is developing a Strategic Plan to establish priorities and objectives for police services and community safety in Kenora in consultation with the Kenora OPP Detachment Commander, key stakeholders, and the broader community.
The KPSB consists of five members that include municipal officials, provincial appointees and one member of the public appointed by Council. The main responsibilities of the Board include:
• Establishing, in consultation with the Detachment Commander, overall objectives, and priorities for the provision of police services within the City of Kenora; and • Making recommendations to the Detachment Commander on police services and priorities.
The Ontario Police Services Act requires police services boards to complete a Strategic Plan every four years. The KPSB is preparing this Strategic Plan to meet provincial legislative requirements and provide clear strategic direction for the Kenora OPP Detachment when providing police services in Kenora over the next 4 years.
It is important to engage and listen to the community members and key stakeholders to help determine police and community safety needs and priorities in Kenora. Completing this survey will provide important information to help shape the development of the Strategic Plan!