LINC Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of CLB and PBLA Interaction |
Consent Form
You are invited to participate in a research study entitled:
LINC Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of CLB and PBLA Interaction
LINC Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of CLB and PBLA Interaction
Martyne Farris, PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Saskatchewan
E: martyne.farris@usask.ca
Linda Wason-Ellam, Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan
E: linda.wason-ellam@usask.ca, P: 306-966-7578
Purpose and Objective of the Research:
This project is gathering quantitative and qualitative data about LINC teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the way Canadian language education policy affects their individual classrooms, students, and teaching practices.
Data for this project is gathered by anonymous online survey, hosted on SurveyMonkey.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the procedures and goals of the study or your role.
Potential Risks:
There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research.
Potential Benefits:
This research will be part of a dissertation research project, which has the potential to contribute to contribute to policy changes and improvements for LINC programs.
There is no compensation for participation in this research project.
Martyne Farris, PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Saskatchewan
E: martyne.farris@usask.ca
Linda Wason-Ellam, Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan
E: linda.wason-ellam@usask.ca, P: 306-966-7578
Purpose and Objective of the Research:
This project is gathering quantitative and qualitative data about LINC teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the way Canadian language education policy affects their individual classrooms, students, and teaching practices.
Data for this project is gathered by anonymous online survey, hosted on SurveyMonkey.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the procedures and goals of the study or your role.
Potential Risks:
There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research.
Potential Benefits:
This research will be part of a dissertation research project, which has the potential to contribute to contribute to policy changes and improvements for LINC programs.
There is no compensation for participation in this research project.
The privacy policy of the survey platform can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/legal/privacy-policy/
Survey data will be collected anonymously. The researcher and supervisor will not have access to any identifying material.
Survey data will be stored on the Primary Investigator’s University of Saskatchewan computer.
Data will be stored electronically by the Primary Investigator for five years post-publication. Electronic data will be backed up on Cabinet through the University of Saskatchewan. After five years, electronic data will be delated using a program such as Eraser, to ensure data cannot be retrieved.
Right to Withdraw:
Your participation is voluntary and you can answer only those questions that you are comfortable with. You may withdraw from the research project by closing your browser and not submitting the survey for any reason, at any time without explanation or penalty of any sort.
Whether you choose to participate or not will have no effect on your position or how you will be treated.
Should you wish to withdraw before completing the survey, your survey data will be deleted.
Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until you complete and submit the survey. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey, once data is submitted it will not be possible to withdrawal it.
Follow up:
To obtain results from the study, please email martyne.farris@usask.ca after June 2020.
Questions or Concerns:
Contact the researcher using the information at the top of page 1.
This research project has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office ethics.office@usask.ca (306) 966-2975. Out of town participants may call toll free (888) 966-2975.
By completing and submitting the questionnaire, YOUR FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPLIED and indicates that you understand the above conditions of participation in t
Right to Withdraw:
Your participation is voluntary and you can answer only those questions that you are comfortable with. You may withdraw from the research project by closing your browser and not submitting the survey for any reason, at any time without explanation or penalty of any sort.
Whether you choose to participate or not will have no effect on your position or how you will be treated.
Should you wish to withdraw before completing the survey, your survey data will be deleted.
Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until you complete and submit the survey. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey, once data is submitted it will not be possible to withdrawal it.
Follow up:
To obtain results from the study, please email martyne.farris@usask.ca after June 2020.
Questions or Concerns:
Contact the researcher using the information at the top of page 1.
This research project has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office ethics.office@usask.ca (306) 966-2975. Out of town participants may call toll free (888) 966-2975.
By completing and submitting the questionnaire, YOUR FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPLIED and indicates that you understand the above conditions of participation in t