The Teaching Award at the College of Medicine Regina Campus recognizes excellence in teaching by an individual faculty member at the Regina Campus.
Nominees must demonstrate exemplary teaching in at least one of the following areas:
  • Commitment to teaching
  • Innovation in teaching
  • Focus on Research (teaching research methods)
  • Mentorship/Support of learners
  • Backbones of learning (develops innovative curricula, commitment to foundational elements, meaningful evaluation methods)
🟧 Note: Self-nominations are not accepted. Please do not submit any additional materials - they will be removed from the nomination package prior to adjudication.

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Information

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Information

Question Title

* 3. Which category of teaching does the nominee best fit under?

Question Title

* 4. Do you consent to this nomination package being shared with the nominee, whether or not they are the award recipient?

Question Title

* 5. Upload the Primary Nomination Letter:

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 6. Upload Statements of Support:

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File