The Rural Partnership Award recognizes rural College of Medicine members who work in partnership in advancing academic medicine in rural Saskatchewan. Nominations can be for an individual or a team. More than one award recipient may be selected.

🟧 Note: Self-nominations are not accepted. Please do not submit any additional materials - they will be removed from the nomination package prior to adjudication.

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Information

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Information (for an individual nominee)

Question Title

* 3. Nominee Information (for team nominations)

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* 4. Do you consent to this nomination package being shared with the nominee, whether or not they are the award recipient?

Question Title

* 5. Upload the primary nomination letter:
  • primary nominator can be faculty, learner, staff, or team member
  • letter can be signed by more than 1 person
  • 2 pages max

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Question Title

* 6. Upload 1 letter of support:
  • letter can be from faculty, learner, staff, or team member
  • letter can be signed by more than 1 person
  • 2 pages max

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
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Question Title

* 7. Upload nominee's CV

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